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El Almacén, Uruguay

European premiere ¡Adelante!
European premiere ¡Adelante!
Zwinger 1
in Spanish with German supertitles
[recommended for ages 15 and up ]

»What effect does the so-called fear of the foreign have on a neighbourhood? El Almacén explores the abyss of a human microcosm with a clever text and an unusual set.« — The Curators

Something suspicious happens. People in the neighbourhood want more security: Cameras, arms, common sense. The rest will be taken care of by the police. And the press. The other as a threat. The constant struggle of our bourgeois desire for peace and quiet at home. »GUNS« does not propose an answer but offers a disturbing look in the mirror that unmasks our »micro fascisms«. 

The theatre El Almacén is an independent community-managed space for creative processes beyond institutional structures and government funding. Their theatrical work is defined by the constant search for the meaning of theatre itself and a shared premise that overrides everything else: Doing theatre with friends.  



Content notes / Information on sensitive content

André Hübener
Leonardo Martínez
Mariana Escobar, Luche Bolten, Camila Vives, Sofía Espinosa, Bruno Travieso, Martín García, Florencia Colucci, Mariel Lazzo
Assistant to the Director
Mariel Lazzo
Martín Sorriba
Camilo Weiberger, Ana Paula Segundo
Ana Paula Segundo, Lucia Bonnefon
Costume Creation
Silvana Sarralde
Light Design
Ana Paula Segundo, André Hübener
Mariana Escobar, Anna Paula Segundo, Lucía Bonnefon
Set and light in collboration with
Juan Andrés Piazza
Mariel Lazzo
Graphic Design
Gabriel Acosta
El Almacén
Executive Producer
Lucía Etcheverry 
Translation, creation of supertitles
Miriam Denger

¡Adelante!/Hinterbühne // Der Festivalpodcast // Folge #03 (in German)