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Hielo Negro / Black Ice

Luciana Acuña & Luis Biasotto, Argentina

Alter Saal
in Spanish with German supertitles
[recommended for ages 15 and up ]

»There are few productions out there, where life and death are as linked as they are in ›Black Ice‹. Shaped by these two extremes, the group explores the pulse of life and the bone-chilling rigidity of death in a poetic yet intense approach.« — The Curators 

»Black Ice« is a play that is being born as it is withering. Four performers with forlorn looks and an absent-minded light technician enter and leave the game, create a confusing suspense in between fiction and present. Letters tell of snowy landscapes and car accidents, of animals and deaths. Absurd and fantastic performances alternate with delirious and feverish images. The fiction is broken and the theatre destroyed in front of everyone. While the events come thick and fast, it starts to snow. Finally.

Luciana Acuña and Luis Biasotto founded Grupo Krapp and created a distinctive artistic language that combines dance and acting with absurd humour and constantly asks us to question our own perception.

Content notes / Information on sensitive content

Luciana Acuña
Ana Inés García, Francisco Dibar, Santiago Gobernori, Luciana Acuña, Matías Sendón
Ariel Vaccaro
Matías Sendón
Mariana Tirantte
Original Music
Gabriel Chwojnik
Video and Dramaturgy in collaboration with
Alejo Moguillansky
Luis Biasotto, Luciana Acuña und Mariana Chaud
Production und Artistic Collaboration
Gabriela Gobbi
Carlos Furman 
Translation, creation of supertitles
Franziska Muche

¡Adelante!/Hinterbühne // Der Festivalpodcast // Folge #04 (in German)