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(I Woke Up and Beat My Head Against the Wall). Tiziano Cruz, Argentina

German premiere ¡Adelante!
German premiere ¡Adelante!
Zwinger 3
in Spanish with German supertitles
[recommended for ages 15 and up ]

»The indigenous artist Tiziano Cruz makes the personal political and asks urgent questions about representation, power and discrimination: gentle, angry and convincing.« — The Curators

With his performative monologue, Tiziano Cruz tries to overcome centuries of hurt and destruction. Based on childhood memories and 58 letters he wrote to his mother in 2020, he gives centre stage to the indigenous communities of northern Argentina that have become disengaged with their original culture. He fiercely criticises the powerful who perpetuate discrimination, exclusion and injustice, not least in the art scene.

Tiziano Cruz was born in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. In 2023, he was awarded the Finnish Live Art Price among others. With his projects and interventions in public spaces, he undermines repressive hierarchies. Cruz is founder of the culture management platform ULMUS.

Content notes / Information on sensitive content

Text, Director, Performer
Tiziano Cruz
Video Design
Matías Gutiérrez
Music and Sound Design
Luciano Giambastiani
Rodrigo Herrera
Light Design
Matías Ramos
Costume Design
Uriel Cistaro, Vega Cardozo Luisa Fernanda, Luciana Iovane
Artistic Production and Graphic Design
Luciana Iovane
Diego Astarita
International Relations & Management
Cecilia Kuska (ROSA Studio)
Translation, creation of supertitles
Miriam Denger

¡Adelante!/Hinterbühne // Der Festivalpodcast // Folge #05