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Christina Mrosek

Christina Mrosek studied stage design with Professor Raimund Bauer at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg. Since 2007 she has been working as a freelance stage designer for theatres and operas in German-speaking countries, for example at Nationaltheater Mannheim, Theater Oberhausen, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Theater Aachen, Theater Basel, E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater Bamberg, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin and Theater Regensburg. She also works as a scenographic exhibition designer. She has worked as a scenographer and project manager in offices such as Iglhaut+vonGrote, Schiel Projekt and neo studio in Berlin. In 2018, she was a mentee of the German Cultural Council's mentoring programme »Women in Culture and Media«. Christina Mrosek is a member of WAM - Women in Arts and Media e.V., an interdisciplinary, cross-industry and cross-sector network for gender equality in culture and media. She has been collaborating with director Cilli Drexel on artistic content for more than 15 years. Their joint focus is on the realisation/spatial conception of new drama and world premieres. Numerous works have won awards and been invited to festivals such as the Autorentheatertage and the Mülheimer Theatertage. Christina Mrosek was a lecturer at Universität der Künste Berlin in stage design and theatre pedagogy courses. Since 2018/19, Christina Mrosek has been teaching regularly at Technical University of Berlin in the Stage Design_Scenic Space programme. She is designing the stage for »Planet B« by Yael Ronen and Itai Reicher at Theater und Orchester Heidelberg in 2024/25.

Current Season
Stage Design
Planet B