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Evein Obulor

Evein Obulor (she/her) fights against racism on different levels of our society. Currently in the focus of her gaze: Institutions. In her current position as Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragte at the Amt für Chancengleichheit of the city of Heidelberg and as coordinator of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism, she addresses racial injustices at the city level and promotes the exchange of strategies regarding anti-racism work between more than 150 European cities. As founder of Migration Hub Heidelberg, she supported grassroot organizations, especially BIPOC-led groups, to make their engagement more sustainable and visible. With an academic background in political science, Spanish and education (University of Heidelberg) and peace and conflict transformation (UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck), Evein Obulor works as a trainer and consultant for projects in the fields of anti-racism and diversity, youth empowerment and women's rights. With the Youth Think Tank, a platform that rethinks youth participation in Heidelberg, she works with young people to actively shape our society. In collaboration with RosaMag, she has published the collection of essays »Schwarz wird großgeschrieben«.