King Lear
Tragedy after William Shakespeare / by Pavlo Arie
[recommended for ages 16 and up]
King Lear has divided his kingdom and wants to bequeath it to his three daughters. When Cornelia, the youngest, apparently does not show him enough love, he disowns her. Power is now divided between Goneril and Regan who soon consider their father to be nothing but annoying ballast. And then the French army lands in Dover.
Created in 1605/06, Shakespeare’s »King Lear« is based on a British legend. Shakespeare leaves out the happy ending, giving the story tragic dimensions and exemplary meaning, thereby elevating it above an interesting individual case.
Previously, Ukrainian theatre makers Stas Zhyrkov and Pavlo Arie had a guest performance at the Heidelberger Stückemarkt 2017. Against the background of the war in Ukraine, they are now working on a Shakespeare tragedy.