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Family play based on the text by Michael Ende

Young Theatre [6+]
Alter Saal
adapted for the stage by Vita Huber / in German

On the outskirts of a city with many newly built districts, Momo, a little girl with curly brown hair, lives in an old derelict amphitheatre. She does not have much except for a very special gift: She is an extraordinary listener. This gift alone allows her to console, end arguments and to give her friends, Gigi, the tour guide, and Beppo, the street cleaner, the feeling of having found their place in the world. One day, however, strange men enter the city. They are dressed in grey from head to toe and smoke ash grey cigars. These Men in Grey are agents of the Time Savings Bank and they have come to entice time away from people. Everyone wants to save time now. When Momo finally finds out the dark secret of the Men in Grey, she decides to bring people back the time they were stolen. She has help in the form of a tortoise named Kassiopeia and the administrator of time, Master Hora. A thrilling chase not only against time but also about time ensues!

This production is accompanied by a programme from the Arts & Education team.

Stage Design and Costumes
Balthasar Wörner
Lighting Design
Simone Kalt
Theatre Education
Nicola, Kunde, Polizist, Franco
Liliana, Maria, Kassiopeia
Leonie Kolhoff Johanna Withalm
Die Friseurin Fusi, Meister Hora, Managerin, Kundin
Ruslan Mukhanov / Gerry Weston / Marcel Enzmann / Leonit Shatunov / Dirk Raffetseder
Assistant Director
Christine Schmidle
Directorial Internship
Nathalie Schönfelder
Costume Internship
Mira Keilbach
Assistant Stage Design
Marie Paul
Costume Assistance
Lena Eibl

The production of the decorative parts is carried out in the workshops of the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg.

A complete list of all employees of the technical departments involved can be found here.

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Trailer by Siegersbuschfilm

Das »spannende Familienstück« verzaubere mit seiner »einfühlsam erzählten Geschichte« und dem »Appell für mehr Qualitätszeit« Kinder wie Erwachsene, schreibt Tanja Capuana im Mannheimer Morgen (5. November 2024) - für das Ensemble habe es »wohlverdienten Applaus« gegeben. Bühne und Kostüme kreierten für alle Spielorte die »passende Atmosphäre«, zudem sei der Einsatz der Videografie für die grauen Herren ein »Highlight«.

Auf »fast ironische Weise« sei Michael Endes »Kritik an der […] rationalisierten Gesellschaft […] aktueller denn je«, meint Elena Hartmann in der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (6. November 2024), und deshalb gehe »›Momo‹ alle an«. Natascha Kalmbach zeige eine »stimmige Inszenierung«, die Ausstattung sei von Annette Wolf »mit viel Liebe gestaltet« worden – entsprechend seien die vielen »kleinen und großen Gäste« im Publikum »begeistert« gewesen.