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20.000 Leagues Under the Sea

Based on the text by Jules Verne

Young Theatre [10+]
Zwinger 3
Stage version by Dominique Enz / in German

The number of ship wrecks on the seven seas keeps rising. Rumour in the press has it that out there is an unidentified sea monster that sinks ships. Or might it be an unknown human-made object pulling these ships down with it? Professor Aronnax and Ned Land have to get to the bottom of this rumour, but soon find themselves in unexpected turbulence at sea. They are thrown from the ship. However, they survive on the back of a strange contraption. Their saviour? None other than the unpredictable Captain Nemo. In her submarine, she takes them into the fascinating underwater world threatened by man. However, the two soon realise that they are not so much guests as prisoners of Nemo, who is pursuing her very own plans ...

Content notes

This production is accompanied by a programme from the Arts & Education team.

Stage Design and Costumes
Matthias Schubert
Theatre Education
Professor Pierre Aronnax
Kapitänin Nemo
Assistant Director
Caroline Ufer
Costume Hospitanz 
Katharina Kallert
Costume Assistance
Clara Akemi-Wilkening

The production of the decorative parts is carried out in the workshops of the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg.

A complete list of all employees of the technical departments involved can be found here.

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Trailer by Siegersbuschfilm

In Dominique Enz‘ Inszenierung tauche das Publikum »völlig ab« in eine »Unterwasserwelt, die viele Überraschungen birgt«, schreibt Ingeborg Salomon in der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (19. November 2024). Neben einem »großartigen Soundtrack« habe die Inszenierung auch optisch »viel zu bieten« und ein »kluges Programmheft« gebe weiterführende Anregungen. »Dramaturgisch gekonnt« wechselten über 75 Spielminuten »spannende Szenen mit stillen Momenten«; von der »eindrucksvollen Ensembleleistung« sei das Publikum »begeistert« gewesen.