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1st Philharmonic Concert / György Ligeti: »Lontano« for Large Orchestra / Tōru Takemitsu: »Michi« (Paths) for trumpet / Charles Ives: »The Unanswered Question« / Gustav Mahler: Symphony no. 1 D-Major »Titan«

Heidelberg Congress Center
Trumpet solo

»Lontano« – Italian for »far« – is one of the most impressive works for orchestra by György Ligeti: Referring to his composition method as »harmonic crystallisation«, Ligeti's work is composed in clusters and woven together artistically. »Lontano« has not just established itself on the concert stage, it has also been used as film music in Hollywood blockbusters.

Proposing questions and answers, Tōru Takemitsu’s solo for trumpets »Michi« (Paths) leads to Charles Ives’ »The Unanswered Question«. To the background of long chords played by string instruments reminiscent of chorales, a trumpet intonates a question motive again and again in Ives’ work.

»Truth and poetry in music« was how Gustav Mahler described his first symphony. Kindred in spirit to the symphonies of composers ranging from Beethoven to Bruckner, Mahler's first one boasts startling new sounds: Nature sounds, melodies recalling folk music and grotesque funeral march sounds.

The 1st Philharmonic Concert was recorded by SWR and will be broadcast on SWR Kultur on 13 October 2024 from 20:03h. 

Listen to an introduction by Stefan Klawitter (in German) here.

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