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Archive of Voices

A European musical theatre project

World premiere
World premiere
Musical Theatre
Zwinger 1
»A piece of string, good for nothing« / Composition by Oxana Omelchuk / Libretto by Daniela Danz / Interview: Ljudmila Ulitzkaja (Russia)

»Elisa« / Composition by Mariachiara Di Cosimo and Emanuele Savagnone / Libretto by Adriana Altaras Maeß / Interview: Elisa Montessori (Italy)

»Thasos and Europa« / Composition by Ferran Cruixent / Libretto by Emanuel Maeß / Interview: Vasilis Vasilikos (Greece)

[recommended for ages 14 and up]

A group of authors, journalists and scientists around the writer Nora Bossong and the author and journalist Simon Strauss established their association Arbeit an Europa e. V. in light of the controversial debates surrounding the future of the European Union. With the scholarly support of, among others, Aleida Assmann and Heinz Bude, it is their aim to research and carry forward the European idea. Since 2018, they have interviewed people born between 1920 and 1945 for their project »European Archive of Voices«. Speakers come from a range of social backgrounds and professions, and from all over Europe (not only member states); they include those with international acclaim, such as the Russian writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya, engaged citizens and political activists, the Slovenian survivor of the Shoa Eva Mosnakova, politicians, scientists, the Bosnian army general Jovan Divjak and Walter Brandmüller, cardinal in the Vatican.

They all share the European idea, which they illuminate in their interviews at hand of their personal life stories, frequently marked by war, persecution, incarceration, existential needs or the loss of a home. Listen to and read all interviews at

Voices can enter the world in many different ways; one of the most primal of these is doubtlessly that of music and song. This thought sparked the idea to sift through the interviews for stories that work well on stage, ask renowned writers to turn them into libretti and commission composers to put them to music. Opera houses throughout Europe are asked to cooperate, so that as many voices as possible and their stories are made palpable on stage for a wide audience from different generations.
The Theater und Orchester Heidelberg is kicking off this musical theatre project with a soiree combining three of the interviews as treated by three composition and libretto teams.



Musical Direction
Direction and Stage Design
Sound Design
»A piece of string, good for nothing«
»Thasos and Europa«
Director of Studies
Johannes Zimmermann
Musical Rehearsals
Johannes Zimmermann, Paul Taubitz, Hanna Klose, Kens Lui
Costume Assistant
Nora Kirchmeier
Technical Manager Zwinger
Roberto Martinez
Technical Crew
Christian Brecht, Alexander Dressler, Jonah Fellhauer, Christian Raudzis, Roland Rogg, Kristin Rohleder, Martin Rohr, Andreas Schulz, Niklas Ott
Head of the Lighting Department
Ralf Kabrhel
Head of Sound Department
Alexander Wodniok
Sound Master
Chris Stader
Head of Props
Anna Waldenmaier, Jürgen Kohl-Wilz (Deputy)
Props Manager
Wolf Brückmann
Head of Costume Department
Katharina Kromminga
Deputy and Costume Painter
Kristina Flachs
Head of the Dressing Room
Pia Derbani
Women Wardrobe Master
Dagmar Gröver
Men Wardrobe Master
Alexandra Partzsch
Head of Make-up
Kerstin Geiger
Make-up Artist
Marlene Miensopust
Head of the Paint Shop
Dietmar Lechner
Theatre Sculptor
Dmitry Sludyanin
Head of the Decoration Workshop
Markus Rothmund
Head of the Metal Workshop
Karl-Heinz Weis
Head of the Carpentry
Klaus Volpp

Listen to an introduction by Ulrike Schumann (in German) here. 

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Trailer by Siegersbuschfilm

Dass es hier »so vollumfänglich gelingt«, aus einem »dokumentarischen Projekt ein theatralisches« zu machen, und »jeder, auch die Musik, eine Rolle findet«, sei nicht selbstverständlich, bemerkt Jesper Klein in der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (24. Mai 2023). Dieses Musiktheater zum europäischen Gedanken sei »offenkundig gegenwärtig«, ohne sich aber »zeitgeistig oder aktivistisch« geben zu müssen. Dabei mache das Philharmonische Orchester Heidelberg unter Dietger Holm »einen herausragenden Job« und Theresa Immerz und Lars Conrad spielten in allen Kurzopern »großartig«, es werde »anspruchsvoll vierteltönig« gesungen. »Lang anhaltender Beifall für einen besonderen, Impulse gebenden Abend, an dem die Kunst zum Nachdenken, aber auch zum Handeln anregt«, meint der Rezensent.

Dass Europa »geteilter Gedächtnisraum, [...], persönliche Erfahrung« sei, verdeutliche die Uraufführung in Heidelberg, schreibt Byörn Hayer in der Tagespost (25. Mai 2023). »Verbildlicht« würden die Erzählungen durch eine »ingeniöse Kulisse«, in der die einzelnen Episoden »gleitend« ineinander übergingen, so wie auch Europa »immer im Wandel begriffen« sei. Die »Vielstimmigkeit« Europas spiegele sich im »Farbenreichtum« der Sänger*innen; Dietger Holm dirigiere das Philharmonische Orchester Heidelberg »fabelhaft und kochkonzentriert«. Der Abend habe »Wucht« und sei ein »sehr europäisches Plädoyer auf die Notwendigkeit, aus der Geschichte die richtigen Lehren zu ziehen«.