zwinger x dancing black
Performance and Discussion
Zwinger 1
In cooperation with the afro-Festival Heidelberg, zwinger x is organizing the performance and talk evening as part of Black History Month. The focus is on dance as a response, as a creative form of resistance by Black movements, as a reconquest of space and identity. A performance by AFROTUDEDANCERS under the direction of Jennifer Owusu will kick things off. The group combines traditional and contemporary African dances with urban influences and shows the diversity of black dance cultures. In the subsequent discussion, moderated by Leonie Baumgarten-Egemole (afro-Festival Heidelberg), the Black dancers Essi Laveaux, Naemi Makiadi, Shikana Browne (Oré Arts), Evelyne Krüger-Maitrel and Jennifer Owusu (AFROTUDEDANCERS) will discuss why dance is a central element of Black liberation. It is about the stories that Black bodies tell, about resistance to the »white gaze« and about the versatility of Black dance styles - from hip-hop, voguing and ballet to Afro fusion and traditional dances from different African communities.