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zwinger x fight back

Self-defense training for FLINTA

zwinger x
Zwinger 1

How do I deal with assaultive behavior? How can I feel stronger and appear self-confident? How do I defend myself against physical attacks?


The focus of the workshop is on strengthening self-confidence and dealing with assaultive situations. Together we want to feel strong and safe and communicate and enforce personal boundaries. We will try out basic self-defense techniques: We will learn how to free ourselves from grabs, how to fend off strikes and which punching and kicking techniques are suitable for self-defense.


The workshop is suitable for all body types and fitness levels. You don't need any previous experience or special equipment. We deal sensitively with any existing trauma and work according to the motto “Everything can, nothing must”. We would like to make the workshop accessible to all FLINTA and are particularly happy for non-binary, trans and inter people to take part!


The training will be conducted by Fight Back Training from Cologne, who regularly offer self-defense and empowerment for FLINTA and queers. You can find more information on their website: