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Heart Eating

Young Theatre [16+]
Zwinger 3
Club #5 The united ones [20+]

Ecstatic love turns into heartbreaking pain: Medea, endowed with magical powers, is useful to Jason until he has obtained the Golden Fleece. In Corinth, the self-confident Colchian woman then becomes a burden to him. Whether she is a revenge-seeking child murderer – as with Euripides – or an outcast healer – as with Christa Wolf – it is always the patriarchal structures that prove Medea's undoing. The players of Club #5 move between the two narratives, explore the ancient myth and bring it into the present: how much pain can a person bear?

»Now we hear voices.«

Mareike Schneider
Johanna Müller
Costume advice
Dramaturgical advice
Ermylia Aichmalotidou, Iris Asmus, Julia Bednarz, Malte Borgfeldt, Katrin Brucker, Lene Hanke, Elena Illing, Georgia Maousidou, Georg Prelorentzos, Linus Zipfel