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Listen up! #3 on tour

Hingehört! #3 On Tour / Composers' talk on the music theatre premiere »Archive of Voices«

Ernst-Bloch-Zentrum Ludwigshafen
in cooperation with the Ernst-Bloch-Zentrum Ludwigshafen / as part of the Biennale für Neue Musik der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar / Moderation in German
Mariachiara Di Cosimo und Emanuele Savagnone Mitglieder des Musiktheaterensembles

»Archive of Voices« – this is the genesis of a current music theatre project that will be presented in a Workshop Concert as part of the Biennale für Neue Musik der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar. Interviews with contemporary witnesses who experienced the last world war and the growing together of Europe will be turned into theatrically effective short operas.

Opera director Ulrike Schumann and the composer team Mariachiara Di Cosimo & Emanuele Savagnone provide insights into the development process and the structure of this very special music theatre project with musical performances, texts and discussions.