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Content notes


Notes on sensitive content

Theatre wants to entertain, but it also wants to encourage a critical analysis of private or social conflicts. This includes thinking along, but also empathising. Because theatre is about change.

In order to avoid viewers finding the content presented disturbing or even hurtful, we provide information on sensitive content in the content notes beforehand. This includes physical, mental or sexual violence, child abuse, war, auto-aggressive behaviour, suicide and discriminatory language.

However, it is up to you whether you read the information before the performance or not.

Sirens are used in this production. A suicide is thematised.

The text deals with the loss of a loved one due to an illness, an experience of sexualised violence and self-harming behaviour. It also deals intensively with body images and also addresses potential eating disorders.

War is thematised in the production. Physical violence takes place on a textual and staged level. There is a brief moment of sexualised violence on a linguistic level.

Stroboscopic lighting is used in the production.

The production addresses antisemitism in language and war in language and images. One scene contains the loud sound of a siren.

The text deals with sexualised violence within the family.

Suicide is a theme in this production. In addition, several murders are staged.

In this production, a miscarriage is addressed.

In this production, domestic violence, auto-aggressive behaviour and the use of a firearm are addressed on a linguistic level.

On a textual level, the piece thematises misogynistic images of women and mothers as well as the threat of suicide. In addition, (auto-)aggressive behaviour towards the female body and the tendency towards eating disorders are dealt with in the text. An attempted marital rape is depicted in the production.

In this production, the topics of experiences of (domestic) violence, abuse, abortion, queer hostility and suicidal thoughts are thematised on a linguistic level. There is discriminatory language. Physical violence is depicted scenically.

Strobe lighting is used.

The production addresses racism, sexism and anti-Semitism on a language level. Alcohol abuse is addressed on a performance level.

Strobe lights and loud music are used in the production.

This production contains verbal content on mental illness and addiction.

The production includes descriptions of war crimes and sounds that can be a trigger for some people (the sound of a siren, loud explosions, low-flying planes), as well as video footage from the current war in Ukraine.