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tutti pro - Die Orchesterpatenschaft

Bringing youth orchestras and professional orchestras together – that‘s the idea behind the joint initiative of »Jeunesses Musicales« and »Deutsche Orchestervereinigung« together with »Verband deutscher Musikschulen«.

»Tutti pro« means not only »full orchestra«, but also »full commitment«. For example, the young musicians attend a rehearsal of their sponsor orchestra or a professional musician takes over a register rehearsal. Workshops for the young people are offered by the professionals, or the professional orchestra helps out with sheet music. Concert projects that result from joint work are a wonderful opportunity for youth orchestras to conquer great works that might not be possible on their own. The two orchestras decide for themselves in which way they want to work together.

Photo: Susanne Reichardt

The initiative takes young people's skills seriously and motivates them to play in the orchestra. Conversely, the enthusiasm and dedication of the young musicians is always an impulse for the professional musicians. The tutti pro orchestra sponsorships are examples of profitable youth work, and with their special esprit they enrich the German orchestral landscape.

The success is contagious. Throughout Germany, youth orchestras and professional orchestras have joined forces and signed a sponsorship agreement. The cooperation between the »Junges Sinfonieorchester Heidelberg der Musik und Singeschule« and the Philharmonisches Orchester Heidelberg was sealed in 2022/23 as the 57th tutti-pro orchestra sponsorship.

Applause for the concert with »shared desks« in July 2023; Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Film zur tutti-pro-Orchesterpatenschaft

In der Spielzeit 2022/23 wurde die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Philharmonischem Orchester Heidelberg und dem Jugendsinfonieorchester der Musik- und Singschule mit der Kamera dokumentiert. Den entstandenen Film können Sie hier sehen. 

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Projects 2023/24