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Heidelberger Stückemarkt


The theatre festival

Since 1984, the Heidelberger Stückemarkt has showcased the avant-garde of theatre for ten days each spring: new plays are read and excellent premieres from across German-speaking countries are invited on stage. The festival opens debates about our society and reflects on aesthetic trends in our theatres. As an international highlight, the Heidelberger Stückemarkt features a different guest country each year - in 2024 it was be Georgia.

The programme of performances at the Heidelberger Stückemarkt is complemented by the Writers’ Competition, the Autor*innenwettbewerb. Generous prizes are awarded to young talents from German-speaking countries and regions as well as the given guest country. The nominated plays are presented as readings with the Heidelberg ensemble in the course of the festival.

The Nachspielpreis focuses on sustainably supporting new drama, presenting productions that take a second look at plays that have already been premiered before. The festival also has its own young theatre focus with the Jugendstückepreis youth drama award. The audio play prize (Hörspielpreis) was established in 2021 in cooperation with the radio station SWR Kultur. The prized text is given the opportunity to be produced and premiered in the following year. The festival also provides a stage for excellent works of digital theatre since 2021.