Prices and reductions
* In the Alter Saal, sight-restricted seats or listening seats may be available at €7.
* In the Alter Saal, sight-restricted seats or listening seats may be available at €7.
For events at zwinger x, the choice of price is predominantly free.
You decide how much you want to pay by selecting the appropriate price - 3 € / 7 € / 11 € / 15 € / 19 €.
Separate prices apply for special events, guest performances and festivals. For sold-out performances in the Marguerre-Saal and the Peterskirche, standing room tickets may be available at the box office.
Please note: From the 2024/25 season, we will charge a maximum order fee of 2.50 euros per booking for telephone and written ticket orders as well as for orders via the webshop. Subscribers and members of the Freundeskreis are exempt from this. For orders for groups, with the exception of school groups, the order fee is a flat rate of 5 euros.
Here you will find an overview of the ticket prices at the Tanzbiennale Heidelberg festival.
Here you will find an overview of the ticket prices at the Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele.
Children, young people, trainees, students, severely disabled persons, persons doing voluntary service or FSJ and Heidelbergpass holders receive a 50% discount on presentation of the relevant ID in advance.
This does not apply to the Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele and the Weihnachtsmärchen.
Heidelberg Pass+ holders have the opportunity to attend a performance or concert of Theater und Orchester Heidelberg up to four times a month free of charge.
Excluded are premieres, guest performances, special events and the Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele.
The corresponding theatre pass can be picked up at the theatre box office. Tickets are available subject to availability at the box office on presentation of this ID and the Heidelberg Pass+.
For group visits by school classes, it is possible to take advantage of the Heidelberg-Pass+ discount already in advance.
In addition to redeeming subscription vouchers, subscribers have the opportunity to purchase tickets with a 15 % subscription discount.
Refugees can attend the events of the Heidelberg Theatre and Orchestra free of charge.
Tickets are available subject to availability at the theatre box office upon presentation of appropriate proof. The residence permit or currently the Ukrainian passport is sufficient as proof at the theatre box office and at the entrance.
Offers for groups
Booking enquiries for groups are possible at any time, even independently of the advance booking dates.
Service for group offers at the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg
Paulina Kapp
06221 / 5835 353
Organisation, advice and ticketing for school and kindergarten groups, young subscribers
Tonia Außel
06221 / 5835 780
Visitor groups of 10 or more receive a 15 % discount, and groups of 30 or more receive a 25 % discount when attending performances together.
Exceptions are the Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele and the Winter in Schwetzingen. Groups of 10 or more receive a 5 % discount, groups of 20 or more a 10 % discount and groups of 40 or more a 20 % discount.
* Special prices may be set for events not mentioned. Only one form of discount applies in each case.
One accompanying person free for every 10 children/students.
From the 2024/25 season, we will charge an order fee for telephone and written ticket orders as well as for orders via the webshop. For orders for groups, with the exception of school groups, the order fee is a flat rate of 5 euros.
Offers for youths / students
The cheapest subscription at a price of € 45 (only € 7.50 per ticket) includes six vouchers and is valid for students (UniCard) or children, young people, trainees, FSJ students and those doing federal voluntary service (JugendCard). The vouchers are valid for one season and can be redeemed in advance. There is maximum flexibility with a free choice of performances (except for premieres and special events as well as the Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele) and free choice of seats (except for category I). The subscription is transferable, which means that the vouchers can also be passed on to friends and acquaintances who are entitled to a discount.
Young people between the ages of 14 and 20 have the opportunity to acquire the Jugendkulturpass (Youth Culture Pass) through the Jugendgemeinderat (Youth Community Council) of the City of Heidelberg. Heidelberg has a very rich cultural offer. In order to bring the cultural institutions closer to the young people, the Jugendgemeinderat has managed to win over almost all the major cultural institutions in the city for this pass. The pass offers various reductions for pass holders. Whether at the Theater und Orchester Heidleberg, the Gloria cinema, the Kurpfälzisches Museum or the Karlstorbahnhof, young people will get culture at a much lower price with this pass. The pass is issued at the citizens' offices of the City of Heidelberg for a small, symbolic annual fee.
Children, young people, trainees and students receive a 50% discount in advance on presentation of an appropriate ID. This does not apply to the Heidelberg Castle Festival (discount: 5 euros per ticket) and the Christmas Fairytale.
With our Junges Abo (Young Subscription), theatre-loving young people can join together as a group and create their own individual and cross-sector theatre subscription for a season - for only €6.50 per subscriber and performance! Prerequisites are a group size of at least 10 participants, the appointment of one person for the organisation (receives a free ticket), the attendance of five or more productions and registration by the beginning of October.
Contact: Tonia Außel,
Der KulturPass ist ein Angebot der Bundesregierung für alle, die 2024 ihren 18. Geburtstag feiern. Sie erhalten ein Budget von 100 Euro, das sie für unterschiedliche kulturelle Angebote einsetzen können. Die Vorstellungen des Theaters und Orchesters Heidelberg können über den KulturPass gebucht werden.
Informationen zum KulturPass gibt es auf
Theatre flat rate
Universität Heidelberg
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
Hochschule für jüdische Studien and
Hochschule für Kirchenmusik
The following applies to theatre attendance:
Each student will receive one free ticket per performance at the earliest five days before your planned visit to the theatre.*
Hereʼs how it works:
Just drop in the theatre box office with your student ID card. You can also call +49 (0)6221 | 5820 000 or send an e-mail to
Tickets can also be booked online:
- Select an event on
- Choose your seats and add them to the shopping cart as standard priced tickets
- Log into the webshop (or register)
- NEW: Enter the appropriate code in the box «Aktionscode»
– for students of the Universität Heidelberg, Hochschule für jüdische Studien and Hochschule für Kirchenmusik: FlatrateUni –
– for students of the Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg: FlatratePH –
and hit refresh
ATTENTION: In the shopping cart, all tickets will now be reduced to 0.00 euros. If you want to buy additional tickets for which a fee is charged, you must place another order. - Your tickets are now free of charge! Have fun!
Important: You must present your student ID or certificate of enrolment when booking your ticket at the box office and at the day of the performance.
* This offer is subject to availability.