Box office and advance booking
Box office
Theaterstraße 10
69117 Heidelberg
+49 / 6221 / 5820 000
tickets [at]
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
The evening box office usually opens one hour before the performance. Please understand that the sale of tickets for the respective evening performances has absolute priority here.
In the webshop you have the option of booking tickets and printing them out yourself (Print@Home), or optionally saving them as digital tickets in a wallet app for selected events (Wallet ticket). Payment is possible by credit card (Master or Visa) or PayPal.
Subscribers can of course use their virtual vouchers as a means of payment. Gift vouchers of any value can also be purchased online.
Advance booking
Our monthly programme informs you about further dates, special formats and guest performances for which you can buy tickets on the open market, usually on the 1st of the previous month or with the publication of the respective date.
Please note: From the 2024/25 season, we will charge a maximum order fee of 2.50 euros per booking for telephone and written ticket orders as well as for orders via the webshop. Subscribers and members of the Freundeskreis are exempt from this. For orders for groups, with the exception of school groups, the order fee is a flat rate of 5 euros.
Booking enquiries for groups are possible at any time, even independently of the advance booking dates.
In order to be able to inform you when ticket sales for a performance start earlier, there will be a separate newsletter. If you would like to receive information about early ticket sales in the future, please send us an email with your name and email address to
Alternatively, you can add yourself directly to the distribution list under Service/Newsletter.