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Theatre Clubs

The theatre clubs of Theater und Orchester Heidelberg are taking the plunge into the depths of the unknown. In the 2023/24 season, we want to explore the uncertain in our lives. What do I distance myself from in my life and why? What does this say about me? What would it be like to look at life through a different lens? Maybe we can create an open space of encounter. We plunge into new perspectives and into the unknown!

Our theatre clubs meet on a weekly basis to rehearse and work on creating their own productions during the season, which will then premiere in summer 2024.

Our theatre clubs are funded by BASF SE as part of the cooperation Junges Theater im Delta.

For further information, feel free to contact us: kunstundvermittlung [​at​]


Spielclubpräsentationen 2023/24

Das Geheimnis der Träume

Club #2; Photo: Susanne Reichardt

La Barbiera di Heidelberg

Club #3; Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Die Klassenfahrt der Träume

Club #1; Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Self #16

Club #6; Photo: Susanne Reichardt


Club #5; Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Nobody survives

Club #4; Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Kick-off meetings 2024/25

Unter Hochspannung

Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Die Spielclubs (bis und mit Spielzeit 2023/24) werden im Rahmen der Kooperation Junges Theater im Delta von BASF SE gefördert.