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Tuğsal Moğul

Tuğsal Moğul was born in 1969 in Neubeckum/Westphalia. The German-Turkish actor, director, anaesthetist and emergency doctor studied medicine for nine years at the universities of Hanover, Vienna and Lübeck in parallel with acting at Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover. In addition to his part-time job as a doctor in a teaching hospital in Münster, Moğul works as an author and director. His debut »Halbstarke Halbgötter« was invited to the Heidelberger Stückemarkt. The play deals with the doctor's point of view. »SOMNIA«, on the other hand, concerns itself with the patient's point of view in intensive care units is and in »Die Angehörigen« the carer's point of view is dealt with. This trilogy of plays was created in collaboration with his ensemble Theater Operation, which he founded in 2008. In 2013, his research work »Die deutsche Ayşe« premiered at Theater Münster, won several awards at the NRW-Theatertagen, was adapted and invited to numerous guest performances (including »Talking About Borders«/Nürnberg and »Made in Germany«/Stuttgart).                                                                                                                                                               In 2015, the research project »Auch Deutsche unter den Opfern/NSU – Morde« was invited to the Autorentheatertagen in Berlin and won the Monica Bleibtreu Preis at the Hamburger Privattheatertagen as "Bestes Zeitgenössisches Drama" in the adaption by Zimmertheater Tübingen.                                                                                                                       In 2017/2018 & 2019 he lived and worked at the Cultural Academy Tarabya/Istanbul as a scholarship holder for several months at the invitation of the German Foreign Office & Goethe Institut.