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Nina Aufderheide

Born in Bremen in 1993, she completed her Bachelor's degree in Scenography, Costume Design and Experimental Design at Hochschule Hannover in 2020. During her subsequent time as a design assistant at the Oldenburgischen Staatstheater, she designed stage and costumes for the plays »Schwarze Schwäne«, »Liebe Grüße ... oder Wo dat Leven henfallt« and decorated several productions in the Technical Ballroom. She is a co-founder of the SP.A.CE case collective, whose debut piece, the installative dance performance »Arrival«, made a guest appearance at the Lehartheater Bad Ischl and won several national and international film festival competitions with the short film of this piece.
Nina Aufderheide has been working as a freelance stage and costume designer since the 2023/24 season and designed the stage and costumes for the production »Kai zieht in den Krieg und kommt mit Opa zurück« and »Im Osten was Neues« at the Oldenburgischen Staatstheater, the stage design for the opera »Das schlaue Füchslein« at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover and designed the debut play »Trinken« for the Bürger*innenbühne at the Kulturetage Oldenburg (director: Lea Oltmanns).

Current Season
Stage Design
The Count of Monte Christo