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zwinger x safe at night

Panel discussion on safety for women and girls in Heidelberg, followed by a living room concert

zwinger x
Zwinger 1

Women* have become accustomed to restricting their behaviour in public spaces because they feel unsafe, especially at night. Walking with your keys between your fingers, faking phone calls and letting people pass who are walking behind you - all girls* and women* know these strategies. And they all know stories where these unfortunately didn't help. And also among young people in Heidelberg, the 2022 Youth Think Tank (YTT) survey shows that young people who identify as female or diverse feel significantly more insecure than young people who identify as male.

How can we ensure that women can move safely and without fear in our city at night and participate in public life? This will be discussed by the women's policy spokesperson of the SPD parliamentary group Johannah Illgner and the green city councillor Marilena Geugjes with representatives of the police, the public order office, the women's emergency hotline and other experts.

Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to talk in a relaxed atmosphere with live music by LUVA.