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Exile. And after that?

Panel discussion

in co-operation with ITI Germany (German Centre of the International Theatre Institute), Moderation: Bettina Sluzalek (ITI Germany)

Countries like Costa Rica have long been unable to cope with the streams of asylum seekers arriving via brutal escape routes. It may be easier for intellectuals and artists to go into exile, but how do they fare in their country of exile - in Spain, Canada, Mexico or the USA? And what does it mean for countries like Venezuela or Cuba when creative people leave the country? 

Theatre makers and experts discuss the causes and consequences of artists' migration movements.

Auf dem Podium: 

José Ramón Hernández,
Regisseur und Künstlerischer Leiter der Gruppe Osikán, Havanna/Madrid

Nelda Castillo,
Regisseurin und Künstlerische Leiterin des Theater El Ciervo Encantado, Havanna

Cecilia Kurska,
Ko-Kuratorin des Próximamente-Festivals, Brüssel

Pierre-Angelo Zavaglia,
Assoziierter Künstler bei L'Abri in Genf

Es moderiert Bettina Sluzalek, Internationales Theaterinstitut (ITI), Berlin