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Dictatorship and theatre

Cultural-political discussion

in co-operation with Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Moderation: Maria José Cifuentes (Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral, Chile, requested) & Susanne Burkhardt (Deutschlandfunk Kultur)

Even 50 years after the fall of Salvador Allende and the bloody regime of General Pinochet, the shadow of the dictatorship in Chile extends to the present day. The dictatorship's constitution is still in force today. The theatre scene, which opposed the Pinochet regime, continues to address the abuses in the country to this day. What applies to Chile also applies to countries such as Argentina and Brazil. Many people there are susceptible to the promises of autocratic populists, while artists go into opposition and often risk their lives.

Auf dem Podium:

Sebastián Ignacio Pérez Rouliez,
Schauspieler, Journalist, Leiter der Theaterzeitschrift Revista Heidra, Santiago de Chile

Rafael Steinhauser,
Kurator, Ko-Intendant des Internationalen Theaterfestivals São Paulo

José Miguel Onaindia,
Berater für Internationales / Abteilung für Kulturförderung der Stadt Montevideo

Maria José Cifuentes,
Direktorin für Programm und Publikum, Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile

Es moderiert Susanne Burkhardt, Deutschlandfunk, Berlin