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Young Theatre
in German

Holiday time is research time! In our Theaterlabore, we play, research and work artistically together in experiments on various thematic focuses. Artists from various disciplines embark on a research journey together with the children and young people. The Theaterlabore present their results at the end of each event.

29.10.–1.11.2024 (Autumn holidays) Theaterlabor. Test: Begegnung [6–9]
4.3.–7.3.2025 (Carnival holidays) Theaterlabor. Test: Aufstand [10–12]
14.4.–17.4.2025 (Easter holidays) Theaterlabor. Test: Eintauchen [8–13]

Theaterlabor. Test: Aufstand [10-12]

Life is sometimes unfair - isn't it? How much injustice do we want to accept? What is worth getting up for and when do we prefer to stay seated? And why do we actually have rules? Aren't they there to be broken? In this Theaterlabor for 10 to 12-year-olds, we want to explore together what is worth fighting for and what such a fight can look like. Together we will find out what it is like to speak up for or against something: We use theatrical means to raise our voices and rehearse the uprising together the uprising - whether on a large or small scale.

4 to 7 March 2025 (Carnival holidays) from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm,
Probebühne CARL (Carl-Bosch-Straße 4, 69115 Heidelberg)

Leadership: Franziska Kühnle

Price for all four days: €15

Informations and contact:

Tickets can be purchased at the theatre Box office.