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Against (structural) discrimination

Awareness is a term that comes from the English verb »to be aware« and means to acknowledge something. This »something« here is that violent, oppressive and discriminatory situations are not individual cases, but part and cause of systemic conditions and their reproduction in the present. Sexism, racism, ableism, classism, queer and trans hostility, as well as other structural forms of discrimination are consistently violent facts of the world we live in - in our thoughts, actions and feelings, as well as in our history and the institutions, structures and society as a whole that have emerged from it.

»Awareness« in this context describes the awareness of these facts and at the same time the vision of a different society and an attempt at a practice towards it. In concrete terms, this is to be realised through the recognition and guaranteed protection against discrimination, violence and border violations, through the individual and structural change resulting from this and through our complicity.

The definition is taken from the Awareness Concept that the Migration Hub Heidelberg and Yalçin Yaşar in charge
developed for zwinger x in 2023.

A person from the awareness team is present at every zwinger x event.

For questions and comments on our awareness concept write to: awareness [​at​]