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Arts & Education

Photo: Susanne Reichardt

More than just watching!

Theatre is a special and immediate experience that stirs up emotions and leaves you with many impressions. This is where the team of Arts & Education comes in. We offer a change of perspective and different formats to accompany productions as well as open spaces for encounters and experimentation. Join us for a conversation, swap the auditorium for the stage and get involved! Don’t hesitate to contact us for individual workshops and project ideas.

You can find an overview of our programme for schools and educational institutions here (PDF 2024/25, german). For more details see below.

If you want to get involved yourself, check the options further down on this page.

and formats

Offers, news and updates – subscribe to our newsletters or receive our print products

Newsletter for teachers: information on current productions for schools and kindergartens

Family newsletter: information on interesting programmes and relevant dates for families

In addition, you can receive our monthly schedule and other print products free of charge by post.

Click here to sign up

Theatre Education

Franziska Kühnle
Education Young Theatre
06221 / 5835 512
franziska.kuehnle [​at​]

Manuel Ramminger
Education Young Theatre
06221 / 5835 510
manuel.ramminger [​at​]

Mareike Schneider
Theatre Education
06221 / 5835 741
mareike.schneider [​at​]

Lisa Zollner
Theatre Education
06221 / 5835 186
lisa.zollner [​at​]

Annabelle Ruth
Musical Theatre and Concert Education
06221 / 5835 935
annabelle.ruth [​at​]

Gaëlle Morello
Dance Education
gaelle.morello [​at​]


Coordination Young Audience

Claudia Villinger
Coordination of theatre projects and visits, head of Cooperation Theatre and School
06221 / 5835 460
claudia.villinger [​at​]

Tonia Außel
Organisation, consulting and ticketing for school and kindergarten groups, »Junges Abo« (subscription for young theatre enthusiasts)
06221 / 5835 780
schulgruppen [​at​]


Contact for DTH-Einblicke and DTH-Off-Stage

Natalie Broschat
Dance Dramaturge
06221 / 5835 440
natalie.broschat [​at​]


Organization Arts & Education

Jennifer von Olnhausen
​06221 / 5835 183
kunstundvermittlung [​at​]

Lisa Zollner
06221 / 5835 186
kunstundvermittlung [​at​]