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Kateryna Kravchenko

Kateryna Kravchenko is a Ukrainian actress and musician. She graduated from a music school with a degree in flute, is a singer and also plays guitar, piano and ukulele. She graduated as an acting student from the Kharkiv National University of Arts and completed a bachelor's degree in teaching history and law in Chernihiv.

Kateryna Kravchenko completed a twelve-day training course at Jacques Lecoq's School of Movement Theater as part of the »Theater Windows. Work in progress« under the guidance of teacher and director Lana Biba. As a scholarship holder, she went to Goleniow, Poland, as part of the Summer Theatre Academy program »Brammat«. She also worked on improvisation between images and stories with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley, in workshops with Enrico Bonavera on »Commedia dell'Arte: Arlecchino and his secrets« as well as for the intercultural festival laboratory of theater practice »FLIPT«.

Since 2021 she has been working with the Berlin theater ensemble WHEELS. In 2021 she took part in the project »Room After Tomorrow« in Kharkiv and Berlin and in 2022 in the performance program »Light Asylum« at Theaterforum Kreuzberg. The production »ефект« followed in 2023.

In the 2023/24 season, Katya Kravchenko can be seen in the production »Meine Hölle | Моє пекло«.

Current Season
My Hell