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Yassu Yabara

Yassu Yabara is a freelance stage and costume designer living in Berlin. At the Universität der Künste Berlin she first studied costume design and then stage design with Hartmut Meyer. Since 2012, Yassu Yabara has been a member of the Berlin music theatre performance collective Hauen&Stechen around the directors Franziska Kronfoth and Julia Lwowski, where they jointly research forms of contemporary music theatre. Yassu Yabara has worked at Theater Aachen, Theaterhaus Jena and Nationaltheater Mannheim, as well as at Galerina Steiner, Bayerische Staatsoper, Theater Regensburg and Oper Halle. At Staatsoper Stuttgart, Yassu Yabara designed costumes for the new production of »The Condemnation of Lucullus« in 2021/22. For Schauspiel Stuttgart, she was responsible for the stage of the world premiere of »Der Triumph der Waldrebe in Europa« in 2022/23, and in 2023/24 she will design, among other things, the set for the opera »Die Jungfrau von Orléans«  by Peter I. Tchaikovsky at Saarländisches Staatstheater. At Theater und Orchester Heidelberg, Yassu Yabara will design the stage and costumes for »Herkunft« by Saša Stanišić in 2023/24.