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Michael Benthin

Photo: Sebastian Bühler

Michael Benthin was a permanent ensemble member of Schauspiel Frankfurt from 2009 to 2017 under the directorship of Oliver Reese, with whom he continues to work as a guest at the Berliner Ensemble. He has acted since 2000 in numerous productions by Michael Thalheimer (»Medea«, »Maria Stuart«, »Ödipus«, »Prinz von Homburg«) and Andreas Kriegenburg (»Die Möwe«, »Glaube Liebe Hoffnung«, »Drei Tage auf dem Land«, »Der Sturm«). Previously, Michael Benthin was a permanent ensemble member at Deutsches Theater Berlin. There he already worked several times with Michael Thalheimer (»Die Ratten«, »Die Orestie«, both invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen) and for »Ein Sommernachtstraum« with Jürgen Gosch. He was also regularly engaged at Thalia Theater Hamburg. In addition to his theatre career, Michael Benthin can also be seen in film and television in over fifty productions to date, including the 2014 Oscar-winning feature film »Grand Budapest Hotel« by Wes Anderson. At Theater und Orchester Heidelberg, Michael Benthin has played Philip II, King of Spain in Schiller's »Don Carlos« as well as in »Der Diener zweier Herren« and »Shakespeare in Love« since 2018. In the 2023/24 season he can be seen as Sigmund Freud and Joseph Breuer in »Freud träumt :: Anna O.« by RAUM+ZEIT.

Current Season
Freud Is Dreaming :: Anna O.