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4. Castle Concert: John Williams’ Greatest Hits

Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele
Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele
Musical Direction

John Williams is one of the greatest film composers of the universe. »Star Wars«, »Indiana Jones«, »Home Alone«, »E. T.«, »Harry Potter«, »Jaws« and the list goes on and on ... With his musical characterisations full of atmosphere Williams has enshrined countless movie heroes in our collective memory. Replete with expressive power and punch, his soundtracks are on a par with the films themselves right from the start. Williams, who is from New York, has so far been nominated for 53 Oscars and has won five. Only Walt Disney was shortlisted more often. Apart from that, Williams has also been awarded four Golden Globes, three Emmys and 25 Grammys. Off the big screens, he is also a successful classical composer. He has written two symphonies, several concertos and chamber music pieces – but that's a different story...