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Andreas Rehfeld

Andreas Rehfeld has worked as a lighting technician since 1980, and as a lighting master at theatres throughout Germany since 1989. In 1995 he studied lighting design at the Bavarian Theatre Academy August Everding in Munich. Since 2013 he has been working as a freelance lighting designer and has been responsible for over 190 lighting designs in mmusical theatre, drama, dance and museums. For example, at the Heidelberg Theatre, the Augsburg State Theatre, the Mannheim National Theatre, the Ingolstadt Theatre and the Bielefeld Theatre, the Mainfranken Theatre Würzburg, for »La Fura dels Baus«, the Dortmund and Basel Theatres, the Munich Kammerspiele, the Schauspiel Leipzig, the Prinzregententheater Munich, the Dance Company Nanine Linning, the Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg, World Art Opera Seoul, the Saarland State Theatre, the Landestheater Coburg and the BMW World in Munich. Andreas Rehfeld has worked with directors such as Achim Freyer, Hans Neuenfels, John Dew, Ulrich Peters, Michael Simon, Sebastian Baumgarten, Georg Schmiedleitner, Werner Schroeter, Frank-Patrick Steckel, David Mouchtar-Samorai, Andrea Schwalbach, Jens-Daniel Herzog, Christian Brey and with the renowned performance groups Gob Squad and She She Pop. From 2000 to 2011, he was also a lecturer in lighting design at the Baden Baden Chamber of Commerce and Industry, among others.

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Lighting Design
Lighting Design
Lighting Design
The Count of Monte Christo