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Taken off. Flown off. Turned around.

A play development for everyone from the age of 3

Young Theatre
in German

Mobile production for kindergartens
Space requirement: free area of 3 m x 3 m / Maximum size of audience: 30
Information and booking: Claudia Villinger, 06221 / 5835 460, claudia.villinger [​at​]

Krana comes from the south. She spent the winter there with her crane parents. On the return flight, she is almost an adult and wants to be alone for a change, not always flying after the group, but exploring the world on her own, for example Heidelberg. This city looked so beautiful from above. Here, she now tells the children about the exciting journey to the south, about her home in the north and about her plans for the future. But how does she actually find her parents now? I wonder if they are already looking for her. Can the children help her?

A fun bird monologue in which the audience learns a lot about cranes, but also about people. What does »I« mean, what does »we« mean? What does it mean to be a fledgling? And why does one embark on such a long journey away from home?

Direction and Stage
Dramaturgische Beratung
Theatre Education
Assistant director
Emily Grimm

The production of the decorative parts is carried out in the workshops of the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg.

A complete list of all employees of the technical departments involved can be found here.