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Self #16

Young Theatre [14+]
Zwinger 3
Club #6 [18+]

First times are leaps into the unknown, an invitation to leave the comfort zone. The path to self-discovery is a dance in the shadows of self-knowledge, where each challenge we encounter is a mirror that reveals new facets of ourselves until the beauty of our existence shines in a soft light.

Costume advice
Matthias Jacob-Burger
Felicitas Menges
Dramaturgical advice
Shofie Bahalwan, Sina Dieterich, Hannah Galler, Hannah Kister, Zita Lambert, Amelie Mahl, Arianne Oppold, Dejana Razdoljac, Lena Schmidt, Lea Schmidt, Calvin Thommek, Alexandra Turi da Fonte Dias, Cris Vicario Godoy, Luisa Wagner, Bianca Weißinger