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Paul Berg

Paul Berg studies English and German literature and linguistics at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. After an internship in the opera's dramaturgy department of the Staatstheater Mainz, he worked with the Akademie der Darstellenden Künste due to the festival Woche junger Schauspieler*innen and published several critiques between 2019 and 2020.
In 2021, he was awarded the Walter-Renneisen-Preis for outstanding artistic and cultural achievements.
During the 2021/22 season, he interned and assisted at the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg in the areas of dramaturgy, directing and stage design in the Abendspielplan, in the Young Theater and at the Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele.
In the 2022/23 season, he worked as an assistant to the artistic production manager of  zwinger x and was a guest assistant director at Theater Heidelberg. From October 2023 onwards, he will be working as an assistant dramaturge at the drama department.

Current Season
2x241 titles twice as good as Martin Kippenberger
Planet B
The Tobacconist
Statisterie im Video
The Tobacconist