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Leon Maria Spiegelberg

Photo: Susanne Reichardt

Leon Maria Spiegelberg was born in 1993 in Berlin-Neukölln and grew up there. After gaining his first theatre experience in school and off-theatre, he first worked for a year in Israel for Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste. He also studied sociology and politics at Humboldt Universität in Berlin before his path led him back to the theatre in 2016 and thus to Hochschule für Schauspielkunt Ernst Busch. Here he studied with Christian Grashof, Veit Schubert and Nico Holonics, among others, until 2020. Leon Maria Spiegelberg has been a scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes since 2018 and already appeared in several productions at the bat-Studiotheater (including »The People« directed by Friederike Hirz, 2020) and Berliner Ensemble (»Sophocles' Antigone« directed by Veit Schubert, 2019) during his studies. In the 2020/21 season he took up his first permanent engagement at Theater und Orchester Heidelberg.

Current Season
Death of a Salesman
Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark
Rechtsanwalt Krogstad / Bobby
Planet B
Reading Time
in brief & in the buff