The Journey of G. Mastorna
based on the film script by Federico Fellini
Marguerre-Saal and Alter Saal
[recommended for ages 16 and up]
A violent storm forces an airplane to land. On board: Giuseppe Mastorna, cellist, travelling on business. But after they land in this unknown town, his nightmare is only just starting. While the world on the ground looks just like the world that Mastorna knows, something is not at all right with it. And then he meets a friend who has been dead for many years.
»I believe it would have been my best film,« Federico Fellini wrote about his film script that was never realised due to his illness. After »Steppenwolf«, it is director Bernadette Sonnenbichler’s second production in Heidelberg. In her own stage adaptation, she discovers the fantastic film material of one of the greatest film directors of the 20th century who delves into death only to find his way back into life.
The production of the decorative parts is carried out in the workshops of the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg.
A complete list of all employees of the technical departments involved can be found here.

Trailer by Siegersbuschfilm